The soil your plants want to grow in.
An all-in-one super soil designed to raise healthy plants, and happy people.

Lets Talk Dirt.
Most potting soils aren’t designed to sustain plant health long-term.
Mother Soil is a living, microbe-rich soil that supports plant health naturally.

Healthy soil is the first step.
Mother Probiotic Potting Soil has billions of healthy, naturally beneficial microbes that help you grow bigger, stronger, and happier houseplants.
What plant parents are saying
I’m a graduate student researching biochar and soil infiltration. Seeing biochar-based soil caught my eye. It has excellent drainage but still holds moisture. The added microbes are a plus since many other mixes come sterile. I’ve had zero problems with fungus gnats or other pests and diseases!
I used Mother soil on my mint and basil plants. I'm super happy with the results so far. This time the plants look super healthy compared to previous times I've tried growing them with store bought soil.
My money tree plants were turning yellow and dropping leaves like crazy, now they are thriving, lots of new growth, very dark green leaves! I would highly recommend this.
Healing the planet from the ground up.
Big Box Soil Brands and Industrial Agricultural Practices have damaged the planet in the quest for bigger, cheaper, and faster.
We’re here to build a gardening supply company that heals the earth. Mother Soil sequesters carbon dioxide long after we’re gone.
Healing the planet from the ground up.
Big Box Soil Brands and Industrial Agricultural Practices have damaged the planet in the quest for bigger, cheaper, and faster.
We’re here to build a gardening supply company that heals the earth. Mother Soil sequesters carbon dioxide long after we’re gone.
Healing the planet from the ground up.
Big Box Soil Brands and Industrial Agricultural Practices have damaged the planet in the quest for bigger, cheaper, and faster.
We’re here to build a gardening supply company that heals the earth. Mother Soil sequesters carbon dioxide long after we’re gone.